Friday, June 19, 2009

We all wuv you Daddy

We have the luckiest children alive to have Erick as their Daddy and if they could talk, well if Emerson could stop talking and mean what she says, I just know they would tell him so. You can see the adoration in their eyes when they look at him. Am I jealous? Well, maybe a little - but I wouldn't have it any other way. It's one of the many, many reasons I married him. I knew he would be an excellent father, because he's such a kid at heart. He jumps at the chance to enjoy something new and fun with them, and they watch his every move hoping that they can mimic it exactly. "Look at me daddy," rings through the house constantly by his one and only baby girl. Wyatt and Erick may have gotten off to a slow start, but the strong bond they have now is so evident. I just know in a blink of an eye they will be playing ball in the backyard. So, to you daddy, thanks for all your occupations (which would take days to list, of course, but here's just a few):
  • bubble dipper
  • bum wiper
  • movie operator
  • grill cheese burner
  • sugar swiper
  • book interpreter
  • dinosaur protector
  • swing pusher
  • potty assistant
  • flip instructor
  • battery changer
  • formula deliverer
  • school bus driver
  • toy sterilizer
  • head masseuse
  • discipliner
  • manicurist/pedicurist
  • friend

We wuv you dadeeee! Thanks for being you!

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