Monday, June 29, 2009

Camping Anyone?

Well, almost but not quite. The girls (Emerson and Kaytlin) wanted to camp out. So daddy got the tent out Friday and thought he would throw it up really fast. Not so much. One hour and many gallons of sweat later (with a few choice words thrown in) and we finally had shelter. Once Kaytlin arrived we quickly began filling the tent with toys, etc. for a big time. Let me mention that the tent was all of ten steps from the back door (thankfully). The girls ran around and played on the swingset while mommy and daddy cooked burgers and hot dogs. After dinner the Mendenhalls next door wanted in on the action so we went over to thier house and cooked Smores in the chiminea. Good times! After staying up way past bedtime and playing until exhausted, the girls got in the tent and attempted to sleep. My orders were to sleep on the porch so I could keep the dinosaurs away all night. Shortly after settling into my chair, the girls decided it was too hot to sleep in the tent and that they wanted to go inside. I explained that if we were "really" camping, there would be no inside to go to... whatever, they went inside and crashed hard. You would think that after that much activity the girls would sleep in at least a little while the next morning, but NO! So the trial camping run wasn't a resounding success but I think we made some progress. The next step will be to try it on a day that it isn't 100 degrees outside!

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