Monday, June 29, 2009

Camping Anyone?

Well, almost but not quite. The girls (Emerson and Kaytlin) wanted to camp out. So daddy got the tent out Friday and thought he would throw it up really fast. Not so much. One hour and many gallons of sweat later (with a few choice words thrown in) and we finally had shelter. Once Kaytlin arrived we quickly began filling the tent with toys, etc. for a big time. Let me mention that the tent was all of ten steps from the back door (thankfully). The girls ran around and played on the swingset while mommy and daddy cooked burgers and hot dogs. After dinner the Mendenhalls next door wanted in on the action so we went over to thier house and cooked Smores in the chiminea. Good times! After staying up way past bedtime and playing until exhausted, the girls got in the tent and attempted to sleep. My orders were to sleep on the porch so I could keep the dinosaurs away all night. Shortly after settling into my chair, the girls decided it was too hot to sleep in the tent and that they wanted to go inside. I explained that if we were "really" camping, there would be no inside to go to... whatever, they went inside and crashed hard. You would think that after that much activity the girls would sleep in at least a little while the next morning, but NO! So the trial camping run wasn't a resounding success but I think we made some progress. The next step will be to try it on a day that it isn't 100 degrees outside!

Friday, June 19, 2009

We all wuv you Daddy

We have the luckiest children alive to have Erick as their Daddy and if they could talk, well if Emerson could stop talking and mean what she says, I just know they would tell him so. You can see the adoration in their eyes when they look at him. Am I jealous? Well, maybe a little - but I wouldn't have it any other way. It's one of the many, many reasons I married him. I knew he would be an excellent father, because he's such a kid at heart. He jumps at the chance to enjoy something new and fun with them, and they watch his every move hoping that they can mimic it exactly. "Look at me daddy," rings through the house constantly by his one and only baby girl. Wyatt and Erick may have gotten off to a slow start, but the strong bond they have now is so evident. I just know in a blink of an eye they will be playing ball in the backyard. So, to you daddy, thanks for all your occupations (which would take days to list, of course, but here's just a few):
  • bubble dipper
  • bum wiper
  • movie operator
  • grill cheese burner
  • sugar swiper
  • book interpreter
  • dinosaur protector
  • swing pusher
  • potty assistant
  • flip instructor
  • battery changer
  • formula deliverer
  • school bus driver
  • toy sterilizer
  • head masseuse
  • discipliner
  • manicurist/pedicurist
  • friend

We wuv you dadeeee! Thanks for being you!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Watch out Shawn Johnson!

Emerson had show week at her gymnastics class this week. Kayti takes her to gymnastics class every Monday, so she wasn't quite sure what we were doing there at first, but it didn't take long for her start showing off. It's amazing all that she's learned since the winter. She loves it and was proud of herself. My baby is no baby anymore! Wyatt decided he wanted in on the action, too. It was so sweet how all the other children knew him and tried to include him in on the fun.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Wipeout Weekend!

I have no idea what we used to do on our weekends but they must have been boring. I don't think any of us (including the dog) sat down all weekend. I don't think Heather could wait to get back to the office so she could catch her breath...
It all started with us getting out of the house at 9:00am Saturday, a feat in and of itself. We headed over to Bond Park in Cary to see the Dog Daze show. They had a frisbee throwing competition, which I think Abbott could have easily won - even at her old age, but for the problem of not always wanting to return the frisbee. The kids thoroughly enjoyed seeing all of the different kinds of dogs from really really big (horses) to really tiny (mouse-dogs). Well, they enjoyed it for a few minutes but then it was off to the playground.
When we got home everyone lathered up and headed to the pool after devouring some Jersey Mike's for lunch. Now I'm the guy with the eight bags and rafts and life jackets and coolers and strollers - oh and gromlets... long ago were the days you headed to the pool with just a frosty beverage and a book. After some intense splashing and playing it was nap time for the kids while Heather carried on the battle and went to the grocery store. My favorite spot to nap these days happens to be on the porch in my chair with the ottoman and three pillows. There seems to be some kind of noxious gas coming from the woods and catching a breeze right to my chair. It knocks me out cold which is why I never fight back and just let it take me. This is how I can nap. Once all the kids got up we went for a wagon ride around the block and then played on the swingset (Bumblebeeeee!!!) until dinner time.

On Sunday after being dressed and ready for church an hour early, Heather and I looked at each other and instantly decided a change of plans was in order. So we lathered up again, packed a lunch and headed for Pullen Park. Little did we know that trying to jump the gun on the crowd would leave us with two hours to kill before the carousel and train opened. We played a lot and had a picnic by the lake. Emerson was worried about the ducks in the water drowning and asked Mommy, "Where are the duckies' life jackets?" We died laughing! Emerson and I finally got to ride the merry-go-round and we all rode the train and retreated for the car just before we reached breakdown point of no return. Wyatt ruined my plan for a nap when we got home by sleeping in the car instead. I guess catching a nap one out of two days isn't so bad for dad. Another busy afternoon playing outside ensued before we donned our wetsuits for bathtime again.

After this weekend I am convinced that the best exercise is playing with your kids. If it was a gym membership you can always pay and just not go, but with kids you pay and you have to go, and go, and go. The only problem is there are no "off" days with the kid workout plan, so you never get to re-energize, unless you happen upon my special chair on the porch.....