Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Urge to Purge?

We have spent most of our weekends these days purging, purging, purging. We FINALLY got rid of all of our baby stuff that was literally taking over our house. Oprah is right, it does change your life. I feel a sense of peace with my newly organized self, and I'm looking for more things to organize! We are in the process of selling Wyatt's baby furniture, which hurts my heart a little - okay, a lot. There's nothing, and I mean NOTHING, I enjoy to do more than decorate a baby's nursery and now those times are behind me. I just have to post so we don't forget how beautiful they both were (don't know if Emerson's could ever be topped).

This was not the initial purpose of this post, I just started to purge a bit myself and in the process I realized I have failed miserably as a mother and never took a single picture of Wyatt's nursery. I vow to go home tonight and take a picture of the (small) corner that still looks like a nursery. As a second child myself, I realize this will continue to be his life's story. I promise to try harder, buddy roo.

We had a great weekend. We went to go see a Curious George reading and actually got outside a bit with Kaytlin.

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Friday, January 22, 2010

(Last) Friday Night Dance Party

It's a new tradition - Friday night dance party (usually followed by pizza). Wyatt's got Daddy's smooth moves! Sing along with me...if you want my body, and you think I'm sexy...

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Haiti - and the Mangines

Usually my posts are about happy things, but yesterday as our life group was meeting - something awful happened was happening in Haiti - and we didn't even know it. I just want to take a moment to mention that we are all praying for Haiti and the devastation that they are faced with today, especially our church missionaries that live there and have made the ultimate sacrifice - the lovely Mangine Family. Erick and I have discussed visiting Haiti several times and hope to be able to go when the children get a bit older. We hope to meet Jean Louis one day ;-) Until then, we will pray for strength to get them through this difficult time and hope they realize how loved they are.

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Monday, January 11, 2010

Snip, snip

I finally gave in to the peer pressure and got Wyatt a haircut. It's something I said I wouldn't do, but I just could no longer handle the snotty, foody crust always living in his hair. And oh, he was mistaken for a girl twice over the holidays. NOT all. I mean, how is that possible? He's as solid as a rock! Getting a haircut is his new favorite pastime! I mean, flying in an airplane, watching Dora, and experiencing his first lollipop, does life get and better than this??! We'll let it grow out again at some point, I'm sure. With a name like Wyatt, I think he's destined to have long hair...

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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Kirks' Christmas Recap

We stayed home this year and it was so great to play, play with the children. Christmas Eve morning we had breakfast with Santa at the Carolina Inn with Nana and Pop and it was so much fun. Wyatt ran those halls as if he owned them. I could eat him up as if he were cheesy grits they serve there! I just love the way light beams in through the windows on these photos.

An actual decent picture with Santa!

I must add a video here. When Santa breaks out in a "ho,ho,ho" Wyatt's face is priceless. He didn't realize who's lap he was sitting on and he jets like a running back! Hilarious!

Daddy got his picture taken with a very tall Eric Montross (former Carolina and pro-basketball player) who was also dining with his family. He probably could have fit in his lap!

And of course our forever attempt at a family shot (why do I even bother?)

Thanks Nana and Pop for a very memorable morning!

More to come on the Christmas morning excitement. Have I mentioned our camera broke? That has just complicated things for us quite a bit so my picture posting abilities are delayed....

We left the cookies and picture out for Santa:

Wyatt was SUPER excited about his new train table. And yes, if you look closely it is BARELY light outside, thanks to my early riser - Miss E. It kept him occupied for several hours while Emerson opened her many, many gifts. None of which were as important as the Snow White doll she asked Santa for:

Fun times having a sibling to share Christmas morning with. I have such fond memories of my sister and I waking up excited on Christmas morning.
And mommy's favorite part - the stocking. Who knew a sock could hold so much happiness (and wife-beaters)?

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My New Year's Resolutions

So I know this is usually about the kids, and I hesitate to put anything in writing - but I'm trying to hold myself to a few things for once in my life:
1. Improve my relationship with God.
2. Laugh more, stress less.
3. Spend more time with my friends.
4. Read one book a month (this is going to be the hardest).
5. Take a photography class.
6. Take 15 minutes a day for me.
7. Tell my loved ones how much I care way more often than I do!
8. Forgive, forgive, forgive.
9. Learn to bargain hunt (uuughhh).
10. Get more Vitamin D (in a healthy way, of course)!

11. Remember what these are.

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