Monday, December 21, 2009

So You Think You Can ....Dance?

Not so much...Emerson had a mini-recital last weekend where the parents came into to watch the last ten minutes of class. As they entered the stage, I noticed Emerson had a magic wand in her hand and none of the other little girls did. This wasn't a good sign. As they pranced on stage to place themselves on their sticker, Emerson had a little something else planned for HER recital. Yes, her very own recital within the recital that the other children were dancing to. She twirled and threw that wand as if she had been practicing it for weeks and I just hoped and prayed it didn't hit anyone. I was tempted to take it from her, but I didn't want to ruin anyone else's video when she threw a fit. At last, the wand dropped and slid across the floor underneath the Christmas tree. I thought she would get back on track, but of course that didn't happen and she crawled under the tree to retrieve it. The other parents were quite amused and trying to catch our reaction. Emerson finally did participate a bit with the tap and of course she always loves the tumbling.

Erick and I didn't say a word to each other on the way home. We went out to dinner for his birthday that night, and he said to me, "I don't know about you, but I was mortified today." I answered, "No, not me. I'm getting used to having the spirited child. At least everyone will remember her." There's no doubt about that.

As we were leaving that day, the teacher made sure to point out they would start practicing for their real recital next summer right after the holidays. Not sure why she directed it at us???!
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