Friday, October 23, 2009

The longest pre-birthday ever

I came up with the idea we would go to Disney for Emerson's 3rd birthday instead of having a birthday party. You know, to keep things simple. Well, in some weird way everyone seemed to feel sorry for her and the parties started very early and I hope they have officially ended, although we were still opening presents yesterday!

Here's the birthday preview (by Emerson):
The first party was at Auntie Tiffy's house, with Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Mark, Madison, and Baby J. Aunt Tiff chaperoned the sleepover and cake-making the day before.

Of course it's no party without chippy dippy:

My second party was with Nana and Pop. Nana brought those yummy cupcakes and gave me my most coveted birthday gift, my castle.

My third party was at Mimi and Grandpa's in Florida. They got me a yummy cake (Mommy ate most of it) and we stayed with them for a week. We had a blast. I can't believe Mimi has the same nickname as me!

Wyatt thinks cake makes life good!

I'm tired just from reminiscing about all this celebrating! Maybe we should "plan" not to have a party every year!

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