Friday, April 23, 2010

Year Anniversary

Life has been a little crazy with me taking on some new duties at work, Erick trying to start his own website, among other things.
I'll try to let the pictures speak for themselves, because I don't have a lot of time to write. First off, it's been a year since I started this blogging thing and I'm actually somewhat proud of myself for keeping up (ok, so not so much lately) with it. I have become one of "them," member of the annoying moms club that could gush about their kids all day. They are just so darn cute these days and a ton of fun. nooooooo, here I go again.
Easter 2010 - Our families FAVORITE holiday. It's ridiculous the lengths we go to for (mostly our own) amusement. This year all the kids could participate, it's just amazing how big they are all getting.

Auntie's masterpiece:

Service at koka booth, it was super hot for April!

My sweet boy:
Feelin the love at koka booth. God is good.





Innocence, purity...for now.

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