Friday, February 26, 2010

Dynamic Duo

So, the dynamics at our house have changed quite a bit this week and it's unsuspecting. Somehow, Wyatt's status has changed in more ways than one. The most obvious way is his admission into the BIG BOY club - hence his new big boy bed. No worries there, just slept there like he always had been. But what is even more interesting is the way this has changed the reationship between Wyatt and Emerson. It's like when you think you're out of tequila and you're really bummed, but then you're elated when you find some in the back of the cupboard and also find some really cool margarita glasses you got as a wedding gift that you never knew you had. So maybe that wasn't a good analogy, but you get the drift. They want to do EVERYTHING together all of sudden, and Emerson finally thinks he's worthy of her attention. Does this mean I can start drinking those margaritas (before they get knocked over) while they keep each other occupied?! Oh, I hope this is the prelude to our spring/summer...

Do you hear me pining over the fact that I no longer have a baby (like you thought I would)?

How cute is this? Wyatt helping Daaaddaaa put his crib together. What I failed to mention is the difference in dynamics between Daddy and Wyatt. It's like now that he's sleeping in a big boy bed, we need to get him some wife beaters (that's a kind of shirt) or something. He is definitely feeling more love all the way around (over a stupid bed?).

Night Night

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