Monday, August 24, 2009

Dancing machine, watch her get down (and out)

So most of the time we can't help but share what a fantastic time we're having and it may *appear* as if it's perfect and everything is under control all the time, but Saturday morning was so far from that, I just have to share. I know we will laugh about it later but there was absolutely nothing funny about it at the time. Emerson had her first ballet/tap/tumbling class this Saturday morning, and I think I was as excited as she was. It's one of the first things that pops into a pregnant moms brain when she's lying on the table and finds out she's having a, princesses, cork screw curls, tutus, those adorable little tights where the VPL is actually cute...I got Emerson all dressed up on Saturday morning in the "approved" attire (since when did this become a sorority?), and off we went.

I was the "new" parent in an obviously already established group of women. Most moms know how that feels. Emerson stayed in the studio for about 15 minutes, and from that point on, things went downhill. She didn't want to stay in the classroom at all. This is a trying situation for any parent when you're in an enclosed room with other parents you do not know, trying to discipline in the most effective way possible. She probably ran on out of the studio 15-20 times, until finally the teacher came out and said she had to stay out, because she was disrupting the class. I was mortified. I talked her through it, and did not follow the teacher's directions. I took Emerson right back in there (after a long talk) and luckily it was time for tumbling. A big sigh, as this is something she knows and is familiar with. We got out of there in one piece, barely. For someone that didn't want to stay in the studio, she threw a fit when it was over!

Oh, one of those mom moments you'll never forget - unfortunately. I had absolutely no intention of showing my face there again, but then decided that would not be setting a good example. We need to try things more than once, before we give up. Perserverance, as Princess Aurora teaches us. Sometimes I need to remind myself I'm the parent, and then sometimes I just want to call my mommy!

To be continued...
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