Friday, May 8, 2009

I did it!

So this is my VERY first post! I've always really wanted to scrapbook to keep track of all the important moments in my children's lives, but who has the time? This is my attempt, and I hope I don't suck at it. Erick asked me, "Do you really think anyone cares what we're doing?" I said absolutely not, but this is the quickest way for me capture those precious moments, because we all know you think you will remember it all, but you simply don't. So for the sake of posting for the first time, I'm going to back up a bit, and fill in from the fantastic Easter we had this year. Easter is a favorite holiday in the Jordan/Kirks/Farias family. And well, it's not for the obvious religous reasons that it should be celebrated, but maybe because it's a glimpse into what the summer and warm weather may hold. And that is something the Kirks' are so looking forward to after the all consuming arrival of Wyatt last summer.

Everyone came to our house for Easter and we colored eggs, had an Easter egg hunt (this was the first year Emerson really got it), and our annual Easter morning brunch at a fancy establishment. Why we do this to ourselves and our poor parents, I have no idea. I guess so we can laugh about it later (it's NEVER funny at the time). The weekend ended with some trauma to the head on poor baby (are we ever going to stop calling him that?) J, which ended with an Emergency Room visit and 2 stitches to that beautiful little face. It'll give him that tough guy look that women love, right?

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