Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


This is definitely one of my favorite pictures of them ever. It is a perfect depiction of their personalities. (Please ignore my dirty windows, I'm having too much fun with the kids to clean!)

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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Girl Power

Today is Emerson's birthday. It sounds so cliche but I can not believe five years have passed. I remember riding to the doctor's office after she was just a few days old in the Volvo station wagon when we she couldn't keep any formula down. I remember thinking, "Before you know it, we will be celebrating her first birthday." Did that ever happen quickly. When imagining what it would be like to have children one day, I never thought what it would be like when they were no longer babies or toddlers. I'm forced to think about this now. And it's wonderful. Emerson has taught me more about life in the past 5 years than I learned in the first 30. She's become this little person, with her own opinions, dreams and ideas. Now it's our job to shape them into reality. She's taught me to live each day to the fullest, I hope and pray with all of my heart that she always has this cherished quality. Her teachers always tell us how they appreciate her zeal for life. The only thing I did imagine is having a sidekick that could appreciate all the girly things I do, and my wish is coming true. Being a parent to this special little being is truly God's blessing. Blessed are we!
Happy Birthday, my sweet pea...

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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Monday, April 25, 2011

2 year anniversary

It's been two years since I started the blog - and not without another very eventful Easter. I found the girls behind closed doors with some scissors looking guilty, but thought nothing of it (maybe because it was 7am in the morning and I hadn't had my coffee yet). Until later when I discovered hair in the trash and examined a little closer. Sure enough, Madison had cut Emerson's hair (at her request) - and let me just mention we were to get our professional pictures taken THAT day. I remained super cool, it wasn't too bad - they were trying to bring the mullet back. Luckily, I had a headband planned for the shoot. Only later, to discover that Emerson had also cut Maddie's (no so abundant) hair as well. I'm sure we will be talking about this for years to come, so a little haircut was well worth the many laughs we had over the the whole "barber shop" incident. Overall, a wonderful Easter full of a lot of memories. There's not much little left in them. Maddie has even lost her two front teeth!

Couldn't you just eat them up with a spoon?

Silly, silly

Our blessed families:


2 (3 if you ask him) going on 13

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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Blogging, schmogging

Dear Blog,
I have not forgotten about you. I'm sorry to let you know I have been cheating on you with a newfound love called Project Life . I have a secret crush on Becky Higgins, and you know I have a thing for beautiful paper. Please forgive me, I promise to try visit and post on you periodically.

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