Monday, December 20, 2010


You may remember last year about this time when Emerson had her mini-recital at dance class and she decided to embarrass the piss out of us. It was unforgettable, not in the good kind of way. We can laugh about it now....because check her out. What a difference a year makes. AND, Bladen (her very sweet teacher) - said she was going to put her CENTER stage this year for the big recital because she follows directions better than anyone else. I'm in disbelief. What have they done with my crazy Emerson?

We are so proud of her. Okay, and I admit I bought her a whole new dance ensemble today.

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Friday, December 10, 2010

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

Nana (or Nanee as Wyatt says) took us to the Museum of Life and Science to ride the Santa train at night. It was so cool, they had lights on it and everything. We rode it to the North Pole to see Santa (which I apparently didn't get a single shot of), we made reindeer food, had hot chocolate and Emerson got her face painted. Wyatt was a bit scared of Santa, and Emerson was really shy. Guess we won't be getting a Santa picture this year. It was brrrr cold outside but totally worth it. Thanks Nana! You're the best!

Umm, it's really hard to eat a candy cane with mittens on, but Wyatt always finds a way!

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Friday, December 3, 2010

Fall at Its Best

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Donkers #3

Wyatt had his first trip to the emergency room the week before last. Building forts in between the coffee table and couch maybe wasn't such a good idea, especially when Wyatt decided to jump on the rook (aka blanket) and couldn't see the coffee table entering his forehead. He made it to two and half, not so bad. I think Emerson was about the same age on her first visit. Five stitches to his forehead initiated him into the big boy club. Big sister was so endearing and sweet. She was front and center hanging out with him in the hospital bed while we waited to get his stitches.

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