Tuesday, October 12, 2010

4 is more: A Pink & Orange Party

Strep hit the birthday girl the week of her birthday party, and we babied her like crazy so she could still have her party. Mom, Tiff and I had tinkered to make everything beautiful and I was really pleased with the outcome. A hot pink and orange extravaganza....except - the backdrop of the barn - kind of took away from the aesthetic. This was definitely one of the best birthday parties we've ever had (minus the fact that Emerson was still struggling a bit).

Wyatt had his first pony ride, the kids played until they dropped.
Oh, and did I mention we made everything from scratch?
Yes, scratch as in no box.

Yes, I did.

GIRL (actually cupcake) POWER!

Did it taste better?

Prob not, but a sense of accomplishment washed over me as I realized the kids are eating REAL sugar (and lots of it) instead of boxed up, mixed-in-with-the-powder sugar. And why is it that things that are homemade don't rise as much? Am I doing something wrong?
They couldn't wait to get their hands on these lollipops.

Cousins, 2,4,5,3

A rough day followed by TV in mommy/aunties bed. These are some lucky kids!

Deep in thought about what to wish for...

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