Wednesday, September 29, 2010

It's ALLLL worth it...

Got my first, "love you mommy" the night before last. What more out of life could I ask for?

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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Finding Beautiful

Look at all the beautiful we found on our recent vaca to Pine Knoll Shores, despite having to leave early for Hurricane Earl:

Wyatt's first boat ride was a success:

A dinner cruise (literally),

complete with this amazing sunset:

Sugarloaf Island with our besties:

Early evening fun on the beach (ok, that means Heather trying to work in a photo shoot that infuriates the men!) Thanks to the Halls for a fantastic time, we love you!

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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

No more babies

I have so much to blog about but didn't want to miss this timely opportunity to post a picture of Wyatt's first day of preschool. Instead of resisting the moment, I'm trying to embrace it. It is just so exciting to watch these two little beings morph into REAL people.

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