Wednesday, March 31, 2010

It has been way too long and life has been a little crazy, not that that's anything new. My babies are getting bigger and I've said a million times, oh I must blog about that. Here's one really embedded into my brain from last week. Emerson and Wyatt were eating dinner, Erick had been on a business trip = momma gone crazy.

Emerson - Daddy, I had an etiphany today. (no, that's not a typo, just as she said it)

Daddy - Really?

Mommy - That's a really big word for such a little girl. Where did you learn it? Mommy just learned it, like, two years ago.

Emerson - My etiphany is that I want to rename the Veggie Tales songs.

Mommy - Great, because I can't wait to hear those same two songs renamed another 10,000 times.

A music producer in the making. And a stylist, saleswomen, comedian and smotherer of her brother.

Spunk - I'm renaming her. Maybe then she'll be able to learn how to spell her (ridiculously long) name before she's 13...

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